Friday, 9 March 2012

Ignorance is bliss

So I do try not to simply get on here and post about how awesome my baby is. But really, he is. Sure, sometimes he is worthy of his title: Lord Yelly of Screamy Manor... but never for long and never (knock on wood) for "no reason". After all, I myself have been known to get a little yelly when hungry or over-stimulated... and I can't imagine I would take well to being left to lay about in soiled undergarments, either. But I digress. Back to how Jack is awesome. Reason #104? He is a highly-portable and desirable Plus One.

There was a lot I didn't know about babies before this one moved in to my life (namely, everything). And in some ways, I think this has worked to my advantage. I've been praised by a lot of strangers over the past few weeks for having Jack out doing whatever -- going on a three-hour historical walk, doing yoga with me, visiting a gallery, seeing a movie, going "power-pramming" (more on that later, in a post likely to be titled something like, WHY THE HELL MUST ALL BABY-FRIENDLY ACTIVITIES HAVE SUCH PATENTLY RIDICULOUS NAMES!!??!) or taking in the rugby at our local. And while I do enjoy praise, this praise is entirely unwarranted. When people see us out doing what have you, they ask how old he is, look at me for a minute and say something to the effect of "wow, good for you. i don't think we got out of the flat in the first three months! How do you do it?" Well, my big parenting secret (other than the fact that for every three or so days out, I spend an ENTIRE day inside with Jack in our PJs) is this: I like getting out and doing stuff, and, within reason, it never actually occurred to me not to take Jack out with me as I continue to go out to see and do stuff I like. In fact, in his current, sleepy-headed, non-talking, stroller-friendly stage of development, he is the ultimate Plus One. Provided I keep my end of the the bargain and drop everything the moment he really needs to be fed or changed, regardless of where we are (a chilly and epic feed on a bench outside the Southbank Centre on the Thames comes to mind), he will never complain about the exhibit I choose. He will never "forget to bring his wallet" and make me have to pay for tickets or drinks. He will never tell me to hurry up if I'm browsing in a store I like (well, unless it's time for the aforementioned feeding or changing) and he will always -- even just laying there asleep in his stroller -- make me see the world a little differently.

1 comment:

  1. First, I will scream (cover Jack's ears, please), as I just added a juicy comment, only to lose every word of it in the effort to sign in so's it could be posted. AAAARGH! Okay, shall try a reprise, maybe abbreviated ...

    After some reminiscent tidbits about using a Snuggli (new to North America) about 39 years ago, about my infant son's 'teaching' college classes re Discreet Breast Feeding in Public and How A Working Mummy is Still a Good Mummy, etc., I blathered on to how much more relaxed social ways were by the time you yourself got started on life. It was not thought toooo odd to cart a kidlet everywhere, even in Canada's low-context culture where kids were best received mute and motionless.

    Um, did you know you were the universe's gift to an Accidental Mummy yourself? Much desired in vain for months, you were, and only on your way for real following a fender-bender in ski-country. (aside: Now, Grammie, there's no threat to you in spilling this bean. It's a sweet fact of KP's life, and thus of Jack's.)

    On that same ski-weekend, we stowed my own wee daughter of 5 months carefully under restaurant tables, like a shopping parcel, safe in her hand-me-down Snuggli.

    Yup -- here's you, setting Jack on the compassionate conqueror's path of exploration from the start. And thanks for sharing the adventure with us! Wonderful stuff!
